Source code for pyvisa.resources.vxi

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
"""High level wrapper for VXI resources.

This file is part of PyVISA.

:copyright: 2014-2024 by PyVISA Authors, see AUTHORS for more details.
:license: MIT, see LICENSE for more details.


from .. import attributes, constants
from ..attributes import Attribute
from .registerbased import RegisterBasedResource
from .resource import Resource

[docs] @Resource.register(constants.InterfaceType.vxi, "BACKPLANE") class VXIBackplane(Resource): """Communicates with to devices of type VXI::BACKPLANE More complex resource names can be specified with the following grammar: VXI[board][::VXI logical address]::BACKPLANE Do not instantiate directly, use :meth:`pyvisa.highlevel.ResourceManager.open_resource`. """
class VXICommon(RegisterBasedResource): """Common parent class for VXI INSTR and MEMACC resources.""" #: Number of elements by which to increment the source offset after a transfer. source_increment: Attribute[int] = attributes.AttrVI_ATTR_SRC_INCREMENT() #: Number of elements by which to increment the destination offset after a transfer. destination_increment: Attribute[int] = attributes.AttrVI_ATTR_DEST_INCREMENT() #: Should I/O accesses use DMA (True) or Programmed I/O (False). allow_dma: Attribute[bool] = attributes.AttrVI_ATTR_DMA_ALLOW_EN()
[docs] @Resource.register(constants.InterfaceType.vxi, "INSTR") class VXIInstrument(VXICommon): """Communicates with to devices of type VXI::VXI logical address[::INSTR] More complex resource names can be specified with the following grammar: VXI[board]::VXI logical address[::INSTR] Do not instantiate directly, use :meth:`pyvisa.highlevel.ResourceManager.open_resource`. """ #: Manufacturer name. manufacturer_name: Attribute[str] = attributes.AttrVI_ATTR_MANF_NAME() #: Manufacturer identification number of the device. manufacturer_id: Attribute[int] = attributes.AttrVI_ATTR_MANF_ID() #: Model name of the device. model_name: Attribute[str] = attributes.AttrVI_ATTR_MODEL_NAME() #: Model code for the device. model_code: Attribute[int] = attributes.AttrVI_ATTR_MODEL_CODE() #: Whether the device is 488.2 compliant. is_4882_compliant: Attribute[bool] = attributes.AttrVI_ATTR_4882_COMPLIANT() #: Should END be asserted during the transfer of the last byte of the buffer. send_end: Attribute[bool] = attributes.AttrVI_ATTR_SEND_END_EN() #: IO protocol to use. See the attribute definition for more details. io_protocol: Attribute[constants.IOProtocol] = attributes.AttrVI_ATTR_IO_PROT()
[docs] @Resource.register(constants.InterfaceType.vxi, "MEMACC") class VXIMemory(VXICommon): """Communicates with to devices of type VXI[board]::MEMACC More complex resource names can be specified with the following grammar: VXI[board]::MEMACC Do not instantiate directly, use :meth:`pyvisa.highlevel.ResourceManager.open_resource`. """