Source code for pyvisa.resources.serial

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
"""High level wrapper for Serial resources.

This file is part of PyVISA.

:copyright: 2014-2024 by PyVISA Authors, see AUTHORS for more details.
:license: MIT, see LICENSE for more details.


from .. import attributes, constants
from ..attributes import Attribute
from .messagebased import MessageBasedResource

[docs] @MessageBasedResource.register(constants.InterfaceType.asrl, "INSTR") class SerialInstrument(MessageBasedResource): """Communicates with devices of type ASRL<board>[::INSTR] Do not instantiate directly, use :meth:`pyvisa.highlevel.ResourceManager.open_resource`. """ #: Baud rate of the interface. The default value is 9600. baud_rate: Attribute[int] = attributes.AttrVI_ATTR_ASRL_BAUD() #: Number of data bits contained in each frame (from 5 to 8). The default value is 8. data_bits: Attribute[int] = attributes.AttrVI_ATTR_ASRL_DATA_BITS() #: Parity used with every frame transmitted and received. The default value is #: `constants.Parity.none` (VI_ASRL_PAR_NONE). parity: Attribute[constants.Parity] = attributes.AttrVI_ATTR_ASRL_PARITY() #: Number of stop bits used to indicate the end of a frame. The default value is #: `` (VI_ASRL_STOP_ONE). stop_bits: Attribute[constants.StopBits] = attributes.AttrVI_ATTR_ASRL_STOP_BITS() #: Indicates the type of flow control used by the transfer mechanism. The default value #: is `constants.ControlFlow.none` (VI_ASRL_FLOW_NONE). flow_control: Attribute[constants.ControlFlow] = ( attributes.AttrVI_ATTR_ASRL_FLOW_CNTRL() ) #: Number of bytes available in the low- level I/O receive buffer. bytes_in_buffer: Attribute[int] = attributes.AttrVI_ATTR_ASRL_AVAIL_NUM() #: If set to True, NUL characters are discarded. The default is False. discard_null: Attribute[bool] = attributes.AttrVI_ATTR_ASRL_DISCARD_NULL() #: Manually control transmission. The default value is True. allow_transmit: Attribute[bool] = attributes.AttrVI_ATTR_ASRL_ALLOW_TRANSMIT() #: Method used to terminate read operations. The default value is #: `constants.SerialTermination.termination_char` (VI_ASRL_END_TERMCHAR). end_input: Attribute[constants.SerialTermination] = ( attributes.AttrVI_ATTR_ASRL_END_IN() ) #: Method used to terminate write operations. The default value is #: `constants.SerialTermination.none` (VI_ASRL_END_NONE) and terminates #: when all requested data is transferred or when an error occurs. end_output: Attribute[constants.SerialTermination] = ( attributes.AttrVI_ATTR_ASRL_END_OUT() ) #: Duration (in milliseconds) of the break signal. The default value is 250. break_length: Attribute[int] = attributes.AttrVI_ATTR_ASRL_BREAK_LEN() #: Manually control the assertion state of the break signal. The default state is #: `constants.LineState.unasserted` (VI_STATE_UNASSERTED). break_state: Attribute[constants.LineState] = ( attributes.AttrVI_ATTR_ASRL_BREAK_STATE() ) #: Character to be used to replace incoming characters that arrive with errors. #: The default character is '\0'. replace_char: Attribute[str] = attributes.AttrVI_ATTR_ASRL_REPLACE_CHAR() #: XOFF character used for XON/XOFF flow control (both directions). #: The default character is '0x13'. xoff_char: Attribute[str] = attributes.AttrVI_ATTR_ASRL_XOFF_CHAR() #: XON character used for XON/XOFF flow control (both directions). #: The default character is '0x11'. xon_char: Attribute[str] = attributes.AttrVI_ATTR_ASRL_XON_CHAR()