Resource Manager

class pyvisa.highlevel.ResourceInfo(interface_type, interface_board_number, resource_class, resource_name, alias)

Resource extended information

Named tuple with information about a resource. Returned by some ResourceManager methods.

Interface_type:Interface type of the given resource string. pyvisa.constants.InterfaceType
 Board number of the interface of the given resource string.
Resource_class:Specifies the resource class (for example, “INSTR”) of the given resource string.
Resource_name:This is the expanded version of the given resource string. The format should be similar to the VISA-defined canonical resource name.
Alias:Specifies the user-defined alias for the given resource string.
class pyvisa.highlevel.ResourceManager[source]

VISA Resource Manager

Parameters:visa_library – VisaLibrary Instance, path of the VISA library or VisaLibrary spec string. (if not given, the default for the platform will be used).

Close the resource manager session.


Last status code returned for an operation with this Resource Manager

Return type:pyvisa.constants.StatusCode

Returns a tuple of all connected devices matching query.

Parameters:query – regular expression used to match devices.

Returns a dictionary mapping resource names to resource extended information of all connected devices matching query.

Parameters:query – regular expression used to match devices.
Returns:Mapping of resource name to ResourceInfo
Return type:dict[str, pyvisa.highlevel.ResourceInfo]
open_bare_resource(resource_name, access_mode=<AccessModes.no_lock: 0>, open_timeout=0)[source]

Open the specified resource without wrapping into a class

  • resource_name – name or alias of the resource to open.
  • access_mode (pyvisa.constants.AccessModes) – access mode.
  • open_timeout – time out to open.

Unique logical identifier reference to a session.

open_resource(resource_name, access_mode=<AccessModes.no_lock: 0>, open_timeout=0, resource_pyclass=None, **kwargs)[source]

Return an instrument for the resource name.

  • resource_name – name or alias of the resource to open.
  • access_mode (pyvisa.constants.AccessModes) – access mode.
  • open_timeout – time out to open.
  • resource_pyclass – resource python class to use to instantiate the Resource. Defaults to None: select based on the resource name.
  • kwargs – keyword arguments to be used to change instrument attributes after construction.
Return type:


resource_info(resource_name, extended=True)[source]

Get the (extended) information of a particular resource.

Parameters:resource_name – Unique symbolic name of a resource.
Return type:pyvisa.highlevel.ResourceInfo

Resource Manager session handle.

Raises:pyvisa.errors.InvalidSession if session is closed.