Source code for pyvisa.resources.messagebased

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

    High level wrapper for MessageBased Instruments.

    This file is part of PyVISA.

    :copyright: 2014 by PyVISA Authors, see AUTHORS for more details.
    :license: MIT, see LICENSE for more details.

from __future__ import division, unicode_literals, print_function, absolute_import

import contextlib
import time
import warnings

from .. import logger
from .. import constants
from .. import errors
from .. import util

from .resource import Resource

class ValuesFormat(object):
    """Options for reading values.
    __slots__ = ('is_binary', 'container',
                 'datatype', 'is_big_endian',
                 'converter', 'separator', 'header_fmt')

    def __init__(self):
        self.is_binary = True
        self.datatype = 'f'
        self.is_big_endian = False
        self.container = list
        self.converter = 'f'
        self.separator = ','
        self.header_fmt = 'ieee'

    def use_ascii(self, converter, separator, container=list):
        self.converter = converter
        self.separator = separator
        self.container = container
        self.is_binary = False

    def use_binary(self, datatype, is_big_endian, container=list, header_fmt='ieee'):
        self.datatype = datatype
        self.is_big_endian = is_big_endian
        self.container = container
        self.is_binary = True
        self.header_fmt = header_fmt

class ControlRenMixin(object):
    """Common controlt_ren method of some messaged based resources.
    # It should work for GPIB, USB and some TCPIP
    # For TCPIP I found some (all?) NI's VISA library do not handle control_ren, but
    # it works for Agilent's VISA library (at least some of them)
    def control_ren(self, mode):
        """Controls the state of the GPIB Remote Enable (REN) interface line, and optionally the remote/local
        state of the device.

        Corresponds to viGpibControlREN function of the VISA library.

        :param mode: Specifies the state of the REN line and optionally the device remote/local state.
        :return: return value of the library call.
        :rtype: VISAStatus
        return self.visalib.gpib_control_ren(self.session, mode)

[docs]class MessageBasedResource(Resource): """Base class for resources that use message based communication. """ CR = '\r' LF = '\n' _read_termination = None _write_termination = CR + LF _encoding = 'ascii' chunk_size = 20 * 1024 query_delay = 0.0 _values_format = None def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): self._values_format = ValuesFormat() super(MessageBasedResource, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) # This is done for backwards compatibility but will be removed in 1.7 @property def values_format(self): return self._values_format @values_format.setter def values_format(self, fmt): self._values_format.is_binary = not (fmt & 0x01 == 0) if fmt & 0x03 == 1: #single self._values_format.datatype = 'f' elif fmt & 0x03 == 3: #double: self._values_format.datatype = 'd' else: raise ValueError("unknown data values fmt requested") self._values_format.is_big_endian = fmt & 0x04 #### @property def ask_delay(self): """An alias for query_delay kept for backwards compatibility. """ return self.query_delay @ask_delay.setter def ask_delay(self, value): self.query_delay = value @property def encoding(self): """Encoding used for read and write operations. """ return self._encoding @encoding.setter def encoding(self, encoding): _ = 'test encoding'.encode(encoding).decode(encoding) self._encoding = encoding @property def read_termination(self): """Read termination character. """ return self._read_termination @read_termination.setter def read_termination(self, value): if value: # termination character, the rest is just used for verification after # each read operation. last_char = value[-1:] # Consequently, it's illogical to have the real termination character # twice in the sequence (otherwise reading would stop prematurely). if last_char in value[:-1]: raise ValueError("ambiguous ending in termination characters") self.set_visa_attribute(constants.VI_ATTR_TERMCHAR, ord(last_char)) self.set_visa_attribute(constants.VI_ATTR_TERMCHAR_EN, constants.VI_TRUE) else: # The termchar is also used in VI_ATTR_ASRL_END_IN (for serial termination) # so return it to its default. self.set_visa_attribute(constants.VI_ATTR_TERMCHAR, ord(self.LF)) self.set_visa_attribute(constants.VI_ATTR_TERMCHAR_EN, constants.VI_FALSE) self._read_termination = value @property def write_termination(self): """Writer termination character. """ return self._write_termination @write_termination.setter def write_termination(self, value): self._write_termination = value
[docs] def write_raw(self, message): """Write a byte message to the device. :param message: the message to be sent. :type message: bytes :return: number of bytes written. :rtype: int """ return self.visalib.write(self.session, message)
[docs] def write(self, message, termination=None, encoding=None): """Write a string message to the device. The write_termination is always appended to it. :param message: the message to be sent. :type message: unicode (Py2) or str (Py3) :return: number of bytes written. :rtype: int """ term = self._write_termination if termination is None else termination enco = self._encoding if encoding is None else encoding if term: if message.endswith(term): warnings.warn("write message already ends with " "termination characters", stacklevel=2) message += term count = self.write_raw(message.encode(enco)) return count
[docs] def write_ascii_values(self, message, values, converter='f', separator=',', termination=None, encoding=None): """Write a string message to the device followed by values in ascii format. The write_termination is always appended to it. :param message: the message to be sent. :type message: unicode (Py2) or str (Py3) :param values: data to be writen to the device. :param converter: function used to convert each value. String formatting codes are also accepted. Defaults to str. :type converter: callable | str :param separator: a callable that split the str into individual elements. If a str is given, data.split(separator) is used. :type: separator: (collections.Iterable[T]) -> str | str :return: number of bytes written. :rtype: int """ term = self._write_termination if termination is None else termination enco = self._encoding if encoding is None else encoding if term and message.endswith(term): warnings.warn("write message already ends with " "termination characters", stacklevel=2) block = util.to_ascii_block(values, converter, separator) message = message.encode(enco) + block if term: message += term.encode(enco) count = self.write_raw(message) return count
[docs] def write_binary_values(self, message, values, datatype='f', is_big_endian=False, termination=None, encoding=None): """Write a string message to the device followed by values in binary format. The write_termination is always appended to it. :param message: the message to be sent. :type message: unicode (Py2) or str (Py3) :param values: data to be writen to the device. :param datatype: the format string for a single element. See struct module. :param is_big_endian: boolean indicating endianess. :return: number of bytes written. :rtype: int """ term = self._write_termination if termination is None else termination enco = self._encoding if encoding is None else encoding if term and message.endswith(term): warnings.warn("write message already ends with " "termination characters", stacklevel=2) block = util.to_ieee_block(values, datatype, is_big_endian) message = message.encode(enco) + block if term: message += term.encode(enco) count = self.write_raw(message) return count
[docs] def write_values(self, message, values, termination=None, encoding=None): vf = self.values_format if vf.is_binary: return self.write_binary_values(message, values, vf.datatype, vf.is_big_endian, termination, encoding) return self.write_ascii_values(message, values, vf.converter, vf.separator, termination, encoding)
[docs] def read_raw(self, size=None): """Read the unmodified string sent from the instrument to the computer. In contrast to read(), no termination characters are stripped. :rtype: bytes """ size = self.chunk_size if size is None else size loop_status = constants.StatusCode.success_max_count_read ret = bytes() with self.ignore_warning(constants.VI_SUCCESS_DEV_NPRESENT, constants.VI_SUCCESS_MAX_CNT): try: status = loop_status while status == loop_status: logger.debug('%s - reading %d bytes (last status %r)', self._resource_name, size, status) chunk, status =, size) ret += chunk except errors.VisaIOError as e: logger.debug('%s - exception while reading: %s', self._resource_name, e) raise return ret
[docs] def read(self, termination=None, encoding=None): """Read a string from the device. Reading stops when the device stops sending (e.g. by setting appropriate bus lines), or the termination characters sequence was detected. Attention: Only the last character of the termination characters is really used to stop reading, however, the whole sequence is compared to the ending of the read string message. If they don't match, a warning is issued. All line-ending characters are stripped from the end of the string. :rtype: str """ enco = self._encoding if encoding is None else encoding if termination is None: termination = self._read_termination message = self.read_raw().decode(enco) else: with self.read_termination_context(termination): message = self.read_raw().decode(enco) if not termination: return message if not message.endswith(termination): warnings.warn("read string doesn't end with " "termination characters", stacklevel=2) return message[:-len(termination)]
[docs] def read_values(self, fmt=None, container=list): """Read a list of floating point values from the device. :param fmt: the format of the values. If given, it overrides the class attribute "values_format". Possible values are bitwise disjunctions of the above constants ascii, single, double, and big_endian. Default is ascii. :param container: the output datatype :return: the list of read values :rtype: list """ if not fmt: vf = self.values_format if not vf.is_binary: return util.from_ascii_block(, container) data = self.read_raw() try: return util.parse_binary(data, vf.is_big_endian, vf.datatype=='f') except ValueError as e: try: msg = e.args[0] except IndexError: msg = '' raise errors.InvalidBinaryFormat(msg) if fmt & 0x01 == 0: # ascii return util.from_ascii_block( data = self.read_raw() try: if fmt & 0x03 == 1: #single is_single = True elif fmt & 0x03 == 3: #double: is_single = False else: raise ValueError("unknown data values fmt requested") is_big_endian = fmt & 0x04 # big endian return util.parse_binary(data, is_big_endian, is_single) except ValueError as e: raise errors.InvalidBinaryFormat(e.args)
[docs] def query(self, message, delay=None): """A combination of write(message) and read() :param message: the message to send. :type message: str :param delay: delay in seconds between write and read operations. if None, defaults to self.query_delay :returns: the answer from the device. :rtype: str """ self.write(message) delay = self.query_delay if delay is None else delay if delay > 0.0: time.sleep(delay) return # Kept for backwards compatibility.
ask = query
[docs] def query_values(self, message, delay=None): """Query the device for values returning an iterable of values. The datatype expected is obtained from `values_format` :param message: the message to send. :type message: str :param delay: delay in seconds between write and read operations. if None, defaults to self.query_delay :returns: the answer from the device. :rtype: list """ vf = self.values_format if vf.is_binary: return self.query_binary_values(message, vf.datatype, vf.is_big_endian, vf.container, delay, vf.header_fmt) return self.query_ascii_values(message, vf.converter, vf.separator, vf.container, delay)
[docs] def query_ascii_values(self, message, converter='f', separator=',', container=list, delay=None): """Query the device for values in ascii format returning an iterable of values. :param message: the message to send. :type message: str :param delay: delay in seconds between write and read operations. if None, defaults to self.query_delay :param converter: function used to convert each element. Defaults to float :type converter: callable :param separator: a callable that split the str into individual elements. If a str is given, data.split(separator) is used. :type: separator: (str) -> collections.Iterable[int] | str :param container: container type to use for the output data. :returns: the answer from the device. :rtype: list """ self.write(message) if delay is None: delay = self.query_delay if delay > 0.0: time.sleep(delay) block = return util.from_ascii_block(block, converter, separator, container)
[docs] def query_binary_values(self, message, datatype='f', is_big_endian=False, container=list, delay=None, header_fmt='ieee'): """Converts an iterable of numbers into a block of data in the ieee format. :param message: the message to send to the instrument. :param datatype: the format string for a single element. See struct module. :param is_big_endian: boolean indicating endianess. Defaults to False. :param container: container type to use for the output data. :param delay: delay in seconds between write and read operations. if None, defaults to self.query_delay :rtype: bytes """ if header_fmt not in ('ieee', 'empty', 'hp'): raise ValueError("Invalid header format. Valid options are 'ieee', 'empty', 'hp'") self.write(message) if delay is None: delay = self.query_delay if delay > 0.0: time.sleep(delay) block = self.read_raw() if header_fmt == 'ieee': offset, data_length = util.parse_ieee_block_header(block) expected_length = offset + data_length while len(block) < expected_length: block += self.read_raw() try: if header_fmt == 'ieee': return util.from_ieee_block(block, datatype, is_big_endian, container) elif header_fmt == 'empty': return util.from_binary_block(block, 0, None, datatype, is_big_endian, container) elif header_fmt == 'hp': return util.from_binary_block(block, 4, None, datatype, is_big_endian, container) except ValueError as e: raise errors.InvalidBinaryFormat(e.args)
def ask_for_values(self, message, fmt=None, delay=None): """A combination of write(message) and read_values() :param message: the message to send. :type message: str :param delay: delay in seconds between write and read operations. if None, defaults to self.query_delay :returns: the answer from the device. :rtype: list """ self.write(message) if delay is None: delay = self.query_delay if delay > 0.0: time.sleep(delay) return self.read_values(fmt)
[docs] def assert_trigger(self): """Sends a software trigger to the device. """ self.visalib.assert_trigger(self.session, constants.VI_TRIG_PROT_DEFAULT)
@property def stb(self): """Service request status register.""" return self.read_stb()
[docs] def read_stb(self): """Service request status register. """ value, retcode = self.visalib.read_stb(self.session) return value
[docs] def read_termination_context(self, new_termination): term = self.get_visa_attribute(constants.VI_ATTR_TERMCHAR) self.set_visa_attribute(constants.VI_ATTR_TERMCHAR, ord(new_termination[-1])) yield self.set_visa_attribute(constants.VI_ATTR_TERMCHAR, term) # Rohde and Schwarz Device via Passport. Not sure which Resource should be.
MessageBasedResource.register(constants.InterfaceType.rsnrp, 'INSTR')(MessageBasedResource)